Serious sam 3 bfe ps3
Serious sam 3 bfe ps3

serious sam 3 bfe ps3

BFG: Really, almost all of Sam's guns besides the pistols, shotguns, and assault rifles / submachine guns count.Battle Theme Music: The games have several different songs for every area, from a calm variant (no enemies) to tense battle themes which fade in and out depending on whether there are enemies nearby.Bag of Spilling: Sam loses all his items save for the basic pistol every time he finishes an episode.A Wizard Did It: Some of the more ridiculous weapons in Sam's arsenal, like the infinite ammo handguns and the SBC cannon are casually handwaved with " techno-magic".Not that it matters for a game firmly on the "Classic" end of the Fackler Scale of FPS Realism, mind you. Titanium actually has very low thermal conductivity - a titanium laser gun would in fact overheat faster than one made of, say, steel or aluminium alloy.


  • Artistic License – Engineering: Flavor text from NETRICSA says that the Laser Gun is made of titanium so as to not overheat.
  • In III, he retakes the realistic path, though still significantly distanced from Duke.
  • Art Evolution: Goes from looking like a Duke Nukem clone to a cartoony buff dude.
  • Arm Cannon: The Biomechanoids come in two varieties: blue ones with laser cannons in place of their hands, and bigger ones in red, carrying rocket launchers.
  • Sirian tech wound up being the only way the UN could successfully send explorer ships out amongst other star systems, too, though that may have been what attracted Mental's attention in the first place. The Egyptians even had a working time machine, which still functioned in the year 2260. No fewer than four ancient cultures (Pre-Helenistic Egypt, proto-Babylon, pre-Columbian Aztec, and (oddly) Harold of Saxony-era England) had access to working Sirian ships, teleporters, and radios, though only the Egyptians and English managed to maintain them. It's made clear in the intro videos alone that Earth is only holding out against Mental thanks to caches of Sirian technology scattered across the world.
  • Archaeological Arms Race: All over the place.
  • The way their stuff looks would seem to imply that the Egyptians adopted their aesthetic. Most evident in BFE, where you find their hidden facilities beneath ancient landmarks, like the Great Pyramid and the ruined cities of Karnak and Luxor. On one hand, he has laser cannons and super-accurate miniguns, but on the other, in the first game he still totes around a Tommy Gun rechambered in 5.56mm, a pair of Smith & Wesson revolvers from 1875, and a giant technomagical cannon that looks straight out of the Age of Sail and fires huge explosive depleted uranium cannonballs at speeds defined by how long the fire button is held.
  • Anachronism Stew: In all the games, Sam's arsenal gets a heavy dose of this.
  • Ambidextrous Sprite: The games do this for some weapons, too: text on the laser gun, for example, reads "XL-2" on the left side and "S-˩X" on the right.
  • Alliterative Name: About all the player characters available to choose for cooperative or competitive multiplayer modes.
  • serious sam 3 bfe ps3

    Alien Invasion: Relegated until BFE and 4 (which put Sam right in the middle of it) to the backstory, where Sam is traveling more than three thousand years in the past trying to stop the invasion from ever happening.Serious Sam: Tormental (2022, developed by Gungrounds), a Roguelike top-down shooter.


    Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem (2022, developed by Timelock Studio and Croteam), a standalone expansion to 4 based on a mod by Timelock's founders.I Hate Running Backwards (2018, PC/Switch/Xbox One/PS4, developed by Binx Interactive).Serious Sam's Bogus Detour (2017, developed by CrackShell), another top-down shooter.Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope (2017, PC), a VR first-person wave shooter.Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter (2012, developed by Eric Ruth Games), which reimagines Serious Sam as a top-down Shoot 'Em Up.Serious Sam: The Random Encounter (2011, PC, developed by Vlambeer), which reimagines Serious Sam as a Role-Playing Game.Serious Sam Kamikaze Attack! (2011, PC/iOS/Android, developed by Be-Rad Entertainment), a Perspective Flip where you control a Headless Kamikaze trying to kill Sam.Serious Sam Double D XXL (2013, X360/XBLA, developed by Mommy's Best Games).Serious Sam Double D (2011, PC/X360, developed by Mommy's Best Games), which reimagines Serious Sam as an Abuse-like 2D side-scrolling Shoot 'Em Up.Serious Sam Advance (2004, GBA, developed by Climax London).Serious Sam: Next Encounter (2004, PS2/GC, developed by Climax Solent).Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter (2017).Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (2010).Serious Sam: The Second Encounter (2002).Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter (2017).Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (2009).Serious Sam: The First Encounter (2001, PC/Palm OS/Xbox).

    Serious sam 3 bfe ps3