The final boss of the original game is split into two parts. However this doesn’t ruin the battle, and it’s still a more than competent way to close the series. Unfortunately, the final stage of the fight, where the Unit’s head starts flying and spinning around the room, seems a tad silly to me. But the power and variety of attacks at the Unit’s disposal make this a fight where you really have to keep your wits about you. This first stage is standard dodging lasers and pumping as much into the boss as possible. The stages get gradually worse as they go along, starting with the excellent fight with Dark Samus, the best fight with the antagonist in the trilogy, before moving on to the Aurora Unit 313. Whilst it’s not quite as much of an endurance test as the finale to the second game (more on that later), it stills offers a serious challenge across its three stages. The climax of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, and the trilogy as a whole, is fittingly frenetic. Aurora Unit 313/ Dark Samus ( Metroid Prime 3: Corruption) This boss fight encapsulates the weird, gooey-ness of Dark Aether which makes it such a haunting place to explore. Given how easy it is to completely miss your target, ammo can become a serious issue. In most games, the temptation would be to make the ‘adult’ form a great lumbering beast, and the ‘larval’ more nimble and smaller, Retro went with the opposite approach here. However, in its adult stage, it becomes a lot more difficult, having to swing between different platforms and using your light and dark beams in tandem with your missiles. The lava stage is fairly simple, a matter of keeping track of it in the water whilst taking care of the small enemies it throws at you and managing your dark and light beam accordingly. What I like about this fight is just how…weird it is.
Pinpoint construction code#
The new project filters include postal code radius, number of floors, floor area, document type and project status to help refine searches and pinpoint specific projects.Image: Nintendo 9. Leads, which provides information about commercial construction projects from inception to completion, has five new project filters and now integrates with Google Maps. Customers who are designated “customer admin” also have access to assign searches to other users on the same customer account. The enhanced project stage filter allows users to filter project results by planning, bidding, post-bid and more. Selecting this feature in the data grid displays year-over-year or quarter-over-quarter changes to quickly identify construction trends.Īnalyze, designed to track specification share among competitors, offers new construction stage and customer admin features. The Forecast product, designed to allow users to see detailed views of construction activity - including historical data, current-year projections and a five-year forecast - now shows “percentage change” between periods. “Additionally, the new filters and search features help our clients seamlessly identify the best targets in their markets." "Our Insight platform provides customers with value-added features to make their jobs easier and to help them find the best construction job opportunities faster,” said Jennifer Johnson, CMD vice president of product and development. The new version includes enhanced search capabilities for more than 800,000 construction project leads, easier grids to compare data, in-depth filtering and a fully integrated and interactive Google Maps feature to pinpoint job opportunities. CMD has upgraded its Forecast, Analyze and Intelligent Leads products on its Insight platform.